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Pristine Quality

Mimosa hostilis, Acacia confusa, and Telepathine

Psilocybe cubensis: Spore prints and syringes
Mimosa Hostilis (Acacia tenuiflora) Root Offerings
Acacia Confusa Root Offerings

A Branch of Oratory of Mystical Sacraments

Dimitri’s Garden serves a charitable religious mission, and operates as an authorized branch of Oratory of Mystical Sacraments, helping people exercise their religious freedom.

We truly believe that encoded in Christianity are clues for those who want to know more to do so. We believe that many people have discovered this secret over the years, and many secret societies have formed around it. We believe this secret can help the modern world with its problems when integrated by societies strategically and can advance problems when integrated greedily.

I am impressed with the professionalism of this team. Highly efficient, easy to communicate with and definitely know their craft. Thanks for an incredible product that yields ncredible results.



Knight Templar

Fulfilling the oath to defend Christisnanity

32° Freemason

Fulfilling the oath to enlighten the People.

Knight of Malta

Being charitable and zealous in the pursuit of improving humanity